Junior Confirmation Ministry
The classes are held on Wednesday evenings: 6:15 p.m. for 6th grade; 7:30 p.m. for 7th and 8th grades.
What is Junior Confirmation?
Junior Confirmation is an education ministry the church designed to help the baptized child of God identify more fully with the faith, life, and mission of the Christian church, culminating in a public celebration. Its purpose is to assist the parents in the spiritual upbringing of their child.
The Aims and Objectives of Confirmation
- To enable the student, through the power of the Gospel and on the basis of the Word of God and the Lutheran Confessions, to become a more mature disciple of Jesus Christ. (DISCIPLESHIP)
- To help the student develop a greater understanding of the basic teachings of the Christian faith in the Bible (KNOWLEDGE).
- To help the student develop a greater appreciation of what it means to be a Christian person (ATTITUDE).
- To help the student develop a greater ability to make use of these Biblical truths in his or her life (ACTION).
Curriculum Followed
- 6th Grade Year: A survey of the Bible.
7th & 8th grades will meet together and follow a Year A/Year B rotation.
- Year A: The Apostles' Creed, The Lord's Prayer, Reformation History
- Year B: The Ten Commandments, The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confession/Absolution, The Sacrament of Holy Communion, Lutheran Worship
Confirmation Instruction
Confirmation instruction is a follow up on the promises made by the parents of a baptized child of God at their child’s baptism—promises to teach the child the Word of God and help them grow in a faith relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Resources used
- The Bible (God’s Word—the Main Source)
- Concordia's Complete Bible Handbook for Students
- Luther’s Small Catechism—(Lutheran Christian understanding of the Bible)
- Worksheets, Videos, and other supplementary material